Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels

About Me

Hi, I'm Lauren and writing is my passion. With over 10 years of wordsmith experience, I've crafted and published high-quality content for software, advertising services, multi-family, and real-estate industries. Take a look around at some of the work I'm most proud of.

Contact Center Phone Numbers: Best Practices to Optimize Your Global Reach

When juggling multiple providers to acquire coverage and number types around the world, creating an extensive footprint of phone numbers that optimizes voice engagement outcomes with customers can be hard to execute.

Not only does this impede market effectiveness, but if you’re not procuring phone numbers from a high-quality voice partner, it may also lead to frustrating Quality of Service (QoS) issues and expensive international call rates.

Leading enterprises are not only avoiding these comm

International Phone Numbers for Better Global Communications

From insufficient and time-consuming number mapping to limited number types and coverage with inflated costs– these are just a few of the challenges straining the global presence of contact centers.

So how do you correct the course to support efficient global communications? By incorporating best practices to build an international phone number footprint that is…

It’s time to enhance your communications using cloud voice and better connect with your customers. The infographic below looks at sc